Thursday, 15 May 2014

Facebook Jitters

One day in such a moment
I thought of having a friend
Who cares me with his true heart
And believes me with his true soul

The next moment I sent you message
We talked and laughed and paused
We came to know each other
And at last I sent you friend request

We became good friends from just friends
Shared our sorrows and lots of happiness
Glittered each other lives and lightened them
Our friendship became awesome from best

Then one day came to wreck our walls
I got under emotions with so much trolls
My mental setup got damaged 
And in that second I did mistakes

I unfriend you and broke the promise
I hurt you and left you lament
But I had not done it with wrong intentions
Because I was not me at that very moment

When I came back, you were gone
Far so far, to the world of known
I make you understand my conditions and terms
But thereby I knew that you won't come along

I felt so shattered that I had lost you
Because of my own wrong views
But I do believe on my God for you
That you will forgive me some day too

We would become friends again 
And will enjoy and share our beliefs and mains
For now I just wait for your forgiveness
Because I don't want to loose you, as you are my best friend 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


ज़िन्दगी के लम्हे है बस एक यादोँ का ज़रिया, 
ये कभी ना रुकने वाला पानी है। 
वक्त के ढलते, वादियों का नज़रिया,
ये सिर्फ एक परछाई का ऐहसास दिलाने वाले है। 

हम चाहते है इन लम्हों में घुलना, 
इनसे बिछड़ने का दर्द हम सह नहीँ सकते।
इनमे रहते है हमारे कई नूरानी चेहरे, 
जिनसे हम कभी मुँह मोड़ नहीं सकते।

वादों का काफ़िला लेकर चलते है ये लम्हे,
बीती बातों का एक बवंडर है इनमेँ।
लोग चाहे एक दूसरे को भुलादे, 
मगर ये लम्हे साथ लेकर है सब्को चलते। 

याद रखना ऐ मेरे दोस्त तू , 
भले ही चला जाए मुझसे दूर।  
तेरे हर एहसास और याद का हमनें बना दिया है लम्हा, 
अब तो बस हम इनमे ही घूमते रहते। 

दिनों का फ़लसफ़ा

सूरज की एक सुनहरी किरन से, 
दिन का स्वागत होता है। 
चाँद कि अदभुत चाँदनी से,
उस दिन को अलविदा कह दिया जाता है। 

एक नए सपने को सजाने के लिए,
उस दिन कि शुरुआत होती है। 
निकल पड़ता है हर आदमी अपने घर से, 
एक नई किरन को फैलाने के लिए। 

दिन भर की मेहनत और भागदौड़ से, 
शरीर चूर -चूर हो जाता है। 
पर वो हस्ते हुए लोगो के चैहरे, 
दिल में एक नई उमंग भर देता है। 

सांस लेने कि फुर्सत नही मिलती, 
ऐसे मशगूल हो जाते है लोग अपने व्यवसाय मे, 
सुबह ने कब शाम कि चादर औड़ ली,
वक़्त के उस चक्रव्यू का पता ही नही चल पाता। 

दिन -दिन करके महीने बीतते, 
फिर सालोँ का सफर तय किया जाता। 
ख्वाबों की इस नगरी में, 
खुद के अक्स को भुला दिया जाता। 

मीलों के सफर को तय करने के बाद, 
तकलीफों और मुसीबतों के गुज़रने के बाद, 
कामयाबी कि लहर जब आत्मा को छूती है, 
उस रास्ते कि हर परेशानी को ख़ुशी मे बदल देती है। 

दिन के उजाले से रात के अंधेरे तक, 
हर आदमी अपने परिवार के लिए दिन -रात मेहनत करता है। 
एक -एक घंटे को मिलाकर जब वर्षोँ में गिना जाता है, 
तब एक खिलखिलाता आशियाना त्यार होता है।   


दोस्त यहाँ
तो साथ कहाँ ?

खुशी  यहाँ
तो नाराज़गी कहाँ ?

मस्ती यहाँ
तो बेबसी कहाँ ?

फरिश्ते यहाँ
तो जलाने वाले कहाँ ?

उजाला यहाँ
तो अँधेरा कहाँ ?

सागर यहाँ
तो किनारा कहाँ ?

बारिश यहाँ
तो एहसास कहाँ ?

ख्वाब यहां
तो आस कहाँ ?

सूरज यहाँ
तो रौशनी कहाँ ?

चाँद यहाँ
तो चाँदनी कहाँ ?

मुस्कराहट यहाँ
तो उदासी कहाँ ?

आप और हम यहाँ
तो गम कहाँ ?

और जब खुदा यहाँ
तो चिंता  कहाँ ?

किसको ढूँढ़ते हो हर लम्हा ?
जब जीना बी यहाँ और मरना बी यहाँ।

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Mysterious Life

Life, its a most complex word for which we could say nothing, we could predict nothing, we could estimate nothing for the whole entire living. It is so much complicated word that if you have thought something for it, it can change at another instant. Every creature on this earth from plants to human beings including each living being on this planet have their life to live. Every living being is breathing and moving on to step from one ladder in life to another. The most important rule that no one can change is their is no rollback in life, means you can't step back in life.

Every organism on this planet has their own meaning to live for, their own goals and targets to hit upon, but the main aim in everybody life is of survival, that how can one try to survive for the next second, what should one can do for its survival. And survival is not that much easy as the word seems to. After a day & night struggle, the individual either its an organism or human, earns something to live the next day. This earning can be different for different species as for animals, birds and all other living beings other than human, need every single material to live such as food, shelter, water, air, land etc but they don't need money of course. Humans on the other hand need first of all money to earn all the materials for living. Food, clothes and shelter, the three basic need to live and breath, can be only gained if you have money. For other living beings, money is nothing and so they live where ever they find places, eat whatever they are being given or they find and regarding clothes, what we can say for this. If such living beings are kept as pets, then of course their keepers take care of them as their own family members otherwise they are left to struggle.

Now, in humans life, money plays an important role, but actually ones own characteristics such as loyalty, positivity, faith in God, smart work, truthfulness etc plays a vital role in their lives. Money, we can say is kept on second position, first we need to stand upon in our life to earn this money to have luxuries in our life. Humans means we, have abundance of expectations from life. We want to live, achieve, fight for all our dreams to make them true in real sight. Life on the other hand perpetually diminishes, but we continue our inputs to acquire optimistic outputs. We define targets, goals, aims in our life, start following our schedule to make our life best for our livings. So everyone tries to live for some more seconds and therefor always remain busy in one work or the other.

But who knows about the future, as future is unpredictable. If one minute in life is to feel the happiness then other minute could bring sudden sorrow in life. So, we should try to remain satisfied in what all God has given to us and try to fulfil our dreams by accepting the failure blush too. Life is a school, it always brings the sadness and joy, being jammed on the weighing machine. Whenever the weight of particular instance is high, then human have to face it with no other choice. Life teaches us numerous things as to how to live to the fullest, how to make our failures, as our strength to directly shoot upon our ambitions. Life teaches us the most basic needs to live such as being in unity, love others, talk politely, have patience, explore much, show talent, raise your voice for non-violence, increment courage, face dangers, opt risks, fight for rights, save oneself, improve security, live happily, etc.

Life is a continuous learning process, and is a first school in which we enters as we take birth on this earth. God is our principal and our parents, faculty, friends and life experiences are our teachers in this school. We should do our best to live a life full of enthusiasm, entertainment, adventure, happiness, suspense and creativity. God is the real maker our lives, so we should be at least thankful for him that he has given us a human living that is the most gifted living on this earth, and he has given us strength and buck up our courage to head for a satisfactory life with full of colours and diamonds.

Career Whirlpool

Career, what does it mean exactly ? Why is it important ? Why do we need to decide it ? Why it should be in right direction ? If we still scroll our minds then thousands of questions will strike our brain as to what should we propose to build up right career. Every single person is fighting day and night to have a successful career ahead. This means we should also take a deep look in the definition of career.

Career is shortly termed as 'Life history', means the occupation in which we are trained or the professional flow of our lives. Deciding a career is an epoch-making moment in our life. The field in which we want to enter, the occupation which would delight us, the path in which we will owe success, the road which we want to follow, the ray that leads us to fulfilment of our dreams etc. Career can be explored and illustrated in numerous manners depending upon the individuals taste. And so, you too must be having your choice, your decisiveness, your wants regarding your career.

In today's fast-flowing robotic world, where people are working as robots and earning for their livings, career is decided at an earlier stage. When a child is a school going, he is made career oriented, goal specific, target achiever by his family. He is taught to what would be the circumstances and conditions that would be prevailing in every possible line he chooses. He is taught pros and cons of streams that we will be going to opt for the start of his career. He has been kept with the knowledge of all possible fields such as, non-medical, medical, arts, music, commerce for their secondary high school, and then further for graduation, he has been taught about engineering, medical, banking sector, CA etc. And therefore, a lot many varieties of the career have been explained to the school-going children.

Career can also be taken in co-curricular activities like sports, dancing, painting, writing, poetry, music, translator, etc. Such field though requires a huge amount of basic and professional training and is extremely costly than the normal study-based career. But such amusing career will be decided by only those families, who are either rich, or they care about their children's priorities or they want their children to explore their talents. Some families could not arrange the exact guidance and props for their children and therefore those sad-hearted are forced for studies. Many families also think that without studies, children can stand for their own lives, their own livings and rights, so children should not be distracted in such extra activities or they allow children to have their refreshing period by performing their interests.

Whatsoever we talk about streams or interests but parents should observe the talent of their children and then try to help them to dig into its deepness. We all know that studies are much more important, being literates you won't be fooled ever in your heading life, but side by side children should also be allowed to have their talents beat up with their studies as career point of view. Now a days people starves for money and in that offerings, they forget to live their real life. On the result, they crave for the freedom, for the happiness and peace. Life becomes an industry for them and they themselves becomes machines that is on start up from dawn to dusk. They are just packed into the paper bag of money, to earn more and more, and bury their maelstrom of likings that gives them air to breath.

At last I want to say that, career is not a baby carriage that is moving simultaneously with our breathing. Career provides a direction to life, it is omni-gatherm of your future belongings, it is ladder to bucket of your dreams, it is a mountain that will lift you to the Sun, it is a garden that will blossoms your heading life and it is the path to find satisfaction and peace in your lives. Career should be decided and directed in a fruitful manner so as to have success at every step on the ladder to your dreams. Always remember this beautiful quote, "A stitch in time saves nine". Therefore, its better to start planning your career now to have miracles.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Friends & Friendship - Artificial or Real

What is Friend ? What is Friendship ? This relation is really an intriguing topic to be discussed. Friend & Friendship are the two most baffling words that have rolled inside numerous secrets that can lead to dawn or dusk. Every single creature living on this earth, either human being or animals, either plants or birds, either insects or organisms, and so on, everyone needs a friendship hand in order to share their life's peculiar and mesmerising moments.

In today's metropolitan era, in a world of day and night service, people starve for fun and frolic seconds. Life becomes numb without pals and chums. And so, after the job, crowd wants to spend their rest of the free time in disco's & bars, coffee shops & malls with their whole group. But we are forgetting the building block of this relation, that is, TRUST. People with the monotonous life and a handful of boredom, forget about the food of friendship such as, loyalty, responsibility, trust, truthfulness, unity etc. Today's generation is at the verge of believing in selfishness and with their cunning motives people are using this pure relation as a butcher's insanity. At last whom are we going to believe for this hearty bonding ?

Friendship is bond of pure heart that is engulfed within a sapphire of happiness, a string of trust that binds every diamond in it, a rainfall of laughter that lifts up the sad souls, a chime that sings for a love bomb. Friendship is not meant to play with feelings of your friends who believes that you are there for them, whenever they need you. Friendship is not a piece of cake that when finished, your promises, your inclinations, your serenity, all pissed off into a bucket of blurriness. Friendship is an unseen flair that has been gifted to us by God to live our lives with pleasure and gratification.

Don't treat them as quakers, don't eat them on the basis of their richness, don't troll them for being extremely good towards you and at last don't cheat them as they are adhered with you mentally, emotionally and physically. Therefore, I am giving free advice to you all cagey souls, to please treat your friends as diamonds that sparkles your lives with real graciousness, that saves your originality with their worthy wisdom, that stands with you being as your caretakers and that loves you like their own family member. Remember this quote always, "A friend in need is a friend indeed".