Friday 28 February 2014

Flip - Flop Heart

Sometimes you feel like
You are going into the dungeon

Erstwhile you sense like
You are moving into the sky

One time you smells like
This world is going to be a hell

Sometimes you flavour like
Life is full of fragrance

Many times you deprive like
I wish I could be that

Same time you verses like
Why I have gone to be so much damped

Sometimes you want to accept like
Stealing for all your dreams

Sometimes you make an argument like
Why I am lacking my confidence

Many times you complain about
Having so much troubles in your life

Same time you want to fight against
All the miseries in your aliveness

One time you wish like
Wrecking all your belongings and go for suicide

Same time you feel like
God is standing with you and making you to believe in sprightliness

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